Wednesday, January 23, 2013

5 Months

 It's amazing how much can happen in just one month. Mostly good things, but unfortunately some bad. We got to enjoy Lincoln's first Christmas and New Years. First one down and many more to come. Here are some highlights from the holidays.

 Our sweet boy has hit some major milestones this month.We have officially become mobile. He's rolling all over the place.  He ended up on our wood floors the other day and started freaking out. 

He is talking up a storm. I absolutely love to hear his babbling conversations. I would love to know what he is thinking. 

He has found his feet and is totally fascinated. It is making diaper changing a challenge. 

The biggest milestone has been that he is sleeping all night in his own room. Yes I said all night. Which is amazing for mommy and daddy. It's crazy how much more productive I am with at least 6 hours of straight sleep. I still really miss him in the room, and still check the video monitor at least 5 times a night. We are currently working on taking naps in his own bed, instead of in mommy's arms. 

Next month we introduce foods..... stay tuned... this is going to be fun

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Slap in the face + Answered Prayer = Unexpected Blessing

Sometimes it's weird when your prayers are answered. I have prayed and prayed for a way to stay home with Lincoln. Well God heard me and answered. I did not think it would be by getting me fired, but what can you do. Not like you can argue with God. When he wants you to go one way, sometimes he has a way for forcing you in that direction. Even if you are kicking and screaming. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

Today was my last day at a job that I have loved for more than 9 years.  6 months shy of my 10 year anniversary a mistake sealed my fate. I have no hard feelings for the HR people and managers that made the decision. They were just doing their job. So I'd like to send a BIG thank you to the hospital system that I spent most of my waking hours at for giving me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I just wish I could have left on my own terms not theirs.  It's a decision I have been thinking about, but would have never had the cojones to make such a big change on my own.

Oh well, I'll just add it to my big book of life experiences and move on.  I had the opportunity  to meet some really wonderful people and work along side some amazing docs, nurses, techs, and pa's. The list can really go on forever. It's really bitter sweet because on one hand in an odd way I did ask for this. I will not get my going away party or be sent off with well wishes. I will not be recognized for all the good work I did. I will only be remembered for the one big goof up.

I am not going to let this break me. If anything I will be stronger and more cautious of the decisions I make. There are many great people that got fired before they went on to be amazing. Walt Disney was let go because he was not creative enough and JK Rowling was fired because she spent her days thinking about a wizard boy.

So I am not going to think of myself as a total failure. The best is yet to come. Y'all just wait and see.