Sorry about the delay, we have been computer-less for a few weeks. In that time we have had many wonderful things begin to take shape. Lincoln's 9th month has been pretty amazing. He is officially crawling!! It all started with this crazy cute frog like hop, then he quickly moved on to full on moving and grooving. I must say it is so exciting to see him go through all the learning stages. I am so blessed that I get to stay home and witness all his improvements. Even if he is driving me nuts by getting into EVERYTHING!!! Enjoy the little video below. (Please excuse the messy house, remember I said he gets into everything.) It's the amazing frog hopping Lincoln.
This little boy is so serious. We have to move mountains to get him to laugh. I love this picture below. I like to think he is thinking about how to fix all the worlds problems. He does seem to be really deep in thought a lot. Lincoln has absolutely been here before, you can tell by the way he looks at things. I wish I could hear inside his mind. The things we might learn. I'm sure babies have all the answers. That's God's big practical joke. It will be one of my questions for him when I finally get to meet him.
Recently my mother got the kids a splash pad/ swimming pool to play in when we are at their house. Lincoln was not very comfortable the first time he sat in it. Rhyann and Blayne my niece and nephew, on the other hand had a blast and was splashing everywhere. It was so sweet to watch, unfortunately I did not get many pictures of the first dip, but I did get this one. It was taken a few minutes after Jarrod saved him for the rushing waters ;). He was quite content to be in his daddies arms and out of the pool. Since then he has mostly loved it. We take a few trips to the community pool a week, and he really does well.
We are still taking naps together. I know many people frown on this, but I look at it as more time I get to spend with my sweet child. On the up side it is also a time that he is not screaming, getting into anything or begging for my food. During these naps I sometime reach down and hold his hand, and he always hold back. Yes i'm sure it is just a reaction to being touched, but I like to think he is doing it on purpose. Sometimes he gets a little startled when I let go. It really makes my heart smile and all I can do is think that he even loves me in his sleep. It is so perfect. Something I will forever remember, and hold close to my heart.
The picture below is how he is most of the time. His tongue is forever out. Just wait until he get some teeth. I'm sure the tongue thing will end.
In my church we do baby dedications. We are Quakers and we do not have many ceremonies. This is one of the few we do. I'm sure many churches are like ours and have similar ceremonies. This day was so special ( I could not stop crying. They were happy tears.) My family, church family and a few of my friends were there with us that day. It was our public statement that we are a Christian family and plan to raise our son in that fashion. My parents and Jarrod's parents stood up with us in front of the congregation and made the vow with us, to teach Lincoln the ways of our christian faith. After we made our vow the pastor, Robyn turned and asked the congregation the same few questions. They will be with us on this journey and help us stay true to our beliefs and help Lincoln find the way of the light. I have seen just a few of these dedications and it was surreal that it was for me and my family. This was the first one our pastor has done, her late husband always had the privilege. She was so nervous but I think pastor Rick would have been so proud and he was absolutely there with us guiding and standing by her.
In this picture below the whole congregation is gathered around us, with the one single purpose. With one voice and one heart to reach the ears of God, together. This moment still brings me to tears, and will always be frozen in my mind. There is only a few instances that I really felt something bigger than us was present, not only did I feel the presence of the Lord, it also felt like he brought along all of our loved ones that have passed, so they could be with us at this very special occasion.