We have absolutely had a wonderful evening. Maybe even started a new tradition. My parents, sister and her family all came over for dinner for my dad's birthday ( really tomorrow) and a little bit of trick or treating. This year was Lincoln's first year to go, and he seemed to sorta like it. He totally did not understand what was going on and by the end of the night he was kinda getting the hang of it. At least he was not trying to go in peoples houses anymore.
Introducing the cutest giraffe in the world. I must say he really did wear the costume well. He never even tried to take the hood off. I was so proud of him.
Blayne was an accidental basketball player (he really did not come in costume). Miss Rhyann was a pirate (she is opposed with Jake and the Neverland pirates).
Lincoln was this laid back the whole evening. Just chillin' Must be great, to be pulled around in a wagon and get free candy just for being cute. Ahh the life of a kid. Good times
First house
The only picture that they were all together. Blayne and Rhy would both stay by the door and Linc would roam checking out the neighbors front porches. Silly kid
Gosh I love these kiddos.
Happy Halloween