We have been a family for a 20 months and 4 days and you know what, it has been by far the hardest most rewarding 20 months 4 days of my life. When we started talking about having kids we found out real quick how extremely unprepared we were and had no clue what we had in store for us. Lincoln is a ball full of personality and quite frankly sometimes a little hard to handle. If he is not tossing the ball around, he is throwing rocks, collecting sticks and playing in the dirt. We spend every waking minute outdoors. Outside is the one request he can verbally communicate with us. (Well that and cookies. You know the important things.) I'm hoping all this outside play will lead to an amazing imagination and one day an amazing human being.
Slowly but surely we are figuring things out. I think... Most days we are flying by the seat of our pants. I'm not sure if we are always right, but I know everything we do is out of love and that's what counts.
In the short time we have all been together, we really have not taken any family pictures. (I would much rather be behind the camera, than in front of it.) So spontaneously I decided come hell or high water we were going to take some. Well, it was a crap shut the minute out the door. I really picked a bad time, Lincoln had gotten sick at lunch and we were both on edge from that, but we trudged on. During the shoot Linc started throwing a colossal fit and got sick again all over his Easter cloths. All I could think was GREAT JUST GREAT, ALL I WANTED WAS A FEW STINKIN' PICTURES!! In the end we did get a few beautiful ones, puke and all.
It's all about the memories we make, and this one will stay with me forever. I am so in love with this sweet little family it takes my breath away.
Even with all the tears he is still pretty stickin' cute in that bow tie.