Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs. Brown

"You know there's a difference between like and love. I like my sketchers but I love my Prada Backpack." 
-10 things i hate about you.

Steph, congrats on finding your prada backpack!! 

I had such a great time taking these beautiful pictures of my very beautiful friend. I've known Stephnie for almost 20 years. We were immediate friends and have stayed that way even with a small break :). Now that she is back in my life I have zero plans on letting her go. I am so excited for her to start this wonderful adventure. Life is never the same when you meet the one that you get to spend the rest of your life with. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks girl! I had a blast with you taking these pictures. I was just talking to Mr. Prada not too long ago about maybe doing a shoot for our 1 year. My cousin did it and she wore her dress again, it was really beautiful. We will for sure be in touch!

    Love ya much!
