Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bone guy

Wow eight months!! I know I say this every post but the time is just flying by. It seems much faster than when Linc was just born. I'm sure my sweet Linc has a whole lot to do with that. Elliot this month has changed so much, in looks and attitude. He is such a happy baby with a love for food. He eats absolutely everything... When I say everything I mean everything from dog food to crayons. He likes it all. lol Now that he is crawling, there is no stopping him from checking out his house. He loves the kitchen and Lincoln's room. I don't blame him, that's where all the fun things are. 

I've been keeping meticulous notes on everything this sweet little guy is doing, but I have mommy brained it and totally deleted everything. So I have nothing more to say, or really remember. My poor second child...  

I do take a ton of pictures. He may not have any stories, but he will have photographs. 

Halloween was great this year. Jarrod was working so I was a man down. Thankfully we have wonderful neighbors, that kept us company and walked the street with us. Lincoln was not really interested in trick or treating until he realized that you get a ton of candy. After that he was ALL in. 
We had hulk smash and a bone guy, at least that's what Lincoln has been calling it. I love it. I think we will always call skeletons that from now on.

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