Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Found his Giggle

7 months ago, Lincoln's first cry was high on my list as one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. I thought this until I heard his sweet giggle. Yes my little boy has finally found his giggle, and I must say that it is magical. We have tried everything for months to get him to laugh. From jumping around looking like fools to making crazy obscene sounds. What did it take you ask to get him to laugh out loud? Well, it was our dog Frankie doing her potty dance. When Frankie needs to go outside to do her business she dances for us to let us know. It consists of her bouncing around trying to get her tail. Lincoln thought it was hilarious, and his cackle stopped both Jarrod and I in our tracks. It was perfect!!! Since then we are still doing all the silly things to get him to laugh more. He's a pretty serious fellow and is very stingy with his laughter, but every once in a while we hit his funny bone and he lets loose. 

Now that I am a stay at home mom I have decided to try my hand in making Linc's baby food. So far we are doing pretty good. I had no idea how easy and cheaper it was going to be. They charge an arm and leg for carrots... I thought it was pretty amazing that I can spend 4 dollars on a months worth of food compared to 1.50 a pop.  Another plus is that  there are no preservatives which I think are going to end up killing us all off. That's just my opinion.  We started with the buttery goodness of butternut squash. This was something I had never tried and I must say that it is wonderful. The list of foods are not long, but so far Lincoln is loving them, and I am having fun giving them funny names. Let's see there is zuccinsquash for zucchini and butternut squash and bloody apples. I kinda sliced my finger open while cutting the apples so they will forever be known as bloody apples. ( I got rid of all the bloody ones. I would never feed him something contaminated like that. Just in case you were worried) I have no doubt that he is going to be a great eater, just like his mama. Look out peas you're next :)

Now that spring time is here and it is beautiful outside we plan on spending a lot more time outside. Jarrod is hanging Lincoln's swing in the back yard, and we are talking about adding a covered patio to the back of the house. I'm sure we will end up living out there.  As of lately we have also been spending a lot of time at the dog park with our sweet fat Frankie. We both get much needed exercise.   Thanks to our good friends Irene and Kenneth they get us up and out of the house to enjoy some time with them and the local pups. Lincoln is always a hit, with the humans and canines alike. The dogs love him, and I really think he loves the attention from them too. He just giggles and watches them play. 

This month has really flown by, as they all do. I wake up every morning looking forward to the time we get to spend together. Track season is almost over so daddy will get to spend more time with the both of us. I love to see the excitement on Lincoln's face when his daddy walks through the door at the end of the day.  We both can't wait for the summer when daddy is home for a few months. It's going to be a blast