Thursday, December 15, 2016

9 months

Attention! Attention! we totally have teeth and it is the absolute pits. So much crying, chewing and drooling going on in the Theriot house. Most of it is Elli. I've been doing quite a bit of stress eating... You know because of the crying and drooling... This month was amazing despite the teething. We went camping and had thanksgiving all in one week (I'm doing a separate post for those).  A whole lot of family time, just like we like it!!

This sweet little boy has totally found his giggle and a smile that can melt even the blackest of hearts. I could not have asked for a better baby. 

Big brother is completely in love

We are ALWAYS digging something out of his mouth.

This picture totally sums up Elliot. Perfection

The same day I got a chance to get a few shots of my sweet niece. She is beautiful inside and out. 

Oh yeah and this kid... his hands were eating leaves.. hahaha
All these precious babies are totally keeping us on our toes. 

Monday, December 12, 2016


On the day you were born...
the angels clapped their hands and the moon danced with the stars...

This is the face of someone that knows she has something special. I love this picture, it's pure joy.  

Dear Kailen, 
You are absolutely loved beyond all measure. The people around you will always feel your light. I am so happy to be even but a small part of your life. 
All my love, kristin

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Derouen's

"Be around the light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. They challenge you, break you open, uplift and expand you. They don't let you play small with your life. These heartbeats are your people. These people are your tribe." 

family at it's best

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Fiedler's

A good neighbor increases the value of your property. 
- czech proverb

We were so blessed the minute this beautiful family moved in next door. You can't put a price on good friends and when those same people just happen to live next door, it's an answer to a prayer that you did not know you needed. 

Leon and Alex,
Thank you guys for being so great. I can't wait to see our children grow up together. We are going to have so much fun. 