Monday, October 14, 2013

beach day

A few weeks ago I got the chance to take these two sweet babies to the beach. My good friend Kelly and I teamed up and tackled this little adventure together, and I must say that I really had a blast. I loved the look on there little surprised faces when the waves were stronger then expected and the warm water would hit them in the face. Now I know that Galveston is not the best beach around. Many would say it's not even a good beach,  but it is a beach with water, birds, waves and sand. The laughter coming from these two wonderful kids will always be present in my ears. 

Lincoln was all smiles.

This is my sweet friend Kelly, braving taking both of the kiddos close the water. 

This beautiful young lady is Izzy and I hope her and Lincoln become lifelong friends. 

My dad always tells us about the beach when he was little and how wonderful it was. His mother my Oma would take them as often as she could. Any time they were sick or hurt they would take a trip to the beach and let the salt water and wind heal them. Before my daddy came to the states they lived in a place that had magnificent beaches, and i'm sure when they got here they found it a bit lacking. That is the beauty of the beach, it can be lacking yet still beautiful and soothing. The whole time we were out there I could feel my Oma smiling down at her youngest grandchild and youngest great grandchild and I know she was standing right next to me in the salt water and wind helping us heal. I could feel her love as sure as I could feel the waves hitting my ankles. 

My water baby saying goodbye to the water. I can just hear him say "Until next time". I for one can't wait for the next time.

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