Monday, February 3, 2014

A small tribute to best friends

My mothers best friend passed away when I was in the 5th grade. It was the first real loss I ever experienced and really remember. Trish was the type of person that "you" as a whole were better just by knowing her. My mother must have been someone really great to get the chance to called the best friend of somebody so wonderful. I hate that she had to leave us so soon and my mom lost her partner in crime before they really got to the good stuff. You know the grandchildren part. Anytime we were sick she would bring us little treats to make us feel better, and always played funny little tricks on us. Well they were funny to her. This would always send her into a laughing fit, then she would reassure us when the "trick" would upset us. I remember one scary evening on a VERY dark road when the headlights just happened to go out and we could not see where we were going. I really thought we were going to die. She laughed and then hugged. All in all she has really taught me how to be a friend, and how to treat the kids in your life like real people that deserved to be loved. She really made me feel like someone important. So even if I did not get a chance to know her as an adult she is still teaching us things and comes up in conversation quite a bit. So in a way she is still right here with us everyday.

I am happy to say that her daughter Amanda has stayed in our lives. I thank God everyday for our friendship. Now my children will know what it is like to be loved by their mom's friend. Amanda is equally full of love as her mother was. ( Amanda if you are reading this, there is so much more I would like to say about you I just think I have enough room. :) I think you are pretty amazing) I pray that we continue the traditions of our mothers and stay friends. Hopefully our kids will learn a little something from us and stay close throughout their lives, and the circle will keep going for generations.

Now staying home does not always mean that I have a lot of time to do things I really love like randomly take pictures in the park. This day was perfect, the kids were smiley and playing really great together. So I thought I would get out my camera and shoot a few. Hope you enjoy.

 I love these two and I know Trish would be head over heels for them too. 

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful words, not only are you a fantastic photographer, you are a great writer too! Thank you for this, you made my day!
